An important resource for anyone looking how to cultivate an open heart, empathy, and inner peace—everyday


Originally released in 2008 in hardcover, paperback & ebook.

The Book

Why is it that kindness seems so hard to practice just when it’s needed most?  With The Kindness Handbook, Sharon Salzberg, bestselling author and renowned meditation instructor, offers a practical companion to inspire compassion and generosity of the spirit in our lives.

Just as cruelty can ravage lives and trample hope, kindness can be the quality we choose to steer our actions, teaches Sharon. “Kindness is the fuel that will help you ‘walk your talk’ of love—daily.” Whether you’re deciding what to do when a plane is hours late, your friend is unhappy and you just can’t seem to help, someone criticizes you, or you and your partner can’t communicate, this gentle guide will help you respond to another—or even to yourself—in a genuinely loving way. 

It has been said that kindness is compassion in action. But kindness is not just about “being nice.” According to Sharon Salzberg, it’s a more profound spiritual practice. The Kindness Handbook is an important resource for anyone wondering how to cultivate an open heart, empathy, and inner peace—everyday.