March 5th - 14th, 2025

Life in Balance
Spiritual practice can help us open our hearts and calm our minds, but putting these practices into action is not always easy in a fast-paced and complicated world. Sometimes, it feels easier to close ourselves off to life rather than navigate it with an open heart and mind. How do we take care of ourselves while also being mindful of the needs of others? What is a compassionate response to complex family issues that also require boundaries? How do we care about the pain we see in the world while also having a long term perspective?
Equanimity, also known as the balance born of wisdom, is considered the secret sauce of spiritual practice. It provides the tools we need to infuse our compassion with wisdom and put our mindfulness practice into context. Equanimity (upekkha in the pali language) allows us to stay engaged with life without becoming overwhelmed by it. In this ten-day wisdom course, Sharon offers daily teachings on equanimity, providing both practical and nuanced applications to help embody a more balanced life.

Flexible 10-Day Program
• Teaching (pre-recorded audio)
• Myth debunking (text)
• Inspiration meme (image)
• Reflection (text)
• Daily takeaways (text)
• References (links)
This program consists of ten lessons that are about twenty minutes in duration. Each lesson includes the following audio and visual components:
Lessons are unlocked daily starting March 5th and sent via email at 3am in your local time zone to complete at your convenience. You will have lifetime access to lessons once they are unlocked so participants can move through the lessons at their own pace.

Course Themes
• What is equanimity (upekkha), and what is it not?
• Equanimity in the context of mindfulness
• Mindfulness of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral experiences
• Finding balance in painful or challenging times
• Equanimity in the context of the Brahma Viharas
• How wisdom informs compassion and empathy
• The eight worldly winds aka Eight Vicissitudes
• The shifting tides of praise and blame

Sliding Scale Pricing
The course is offered on a sliding scale basis, with a $10 suggested contribution, to keep this offering as accessible as possible. Full scholarships are available for those who cannot contribute financially, and we gratefully accept larger contributions for anyone with the means to support Sharon’s digital offerings in a bigger way. All funds received go directly towards the course operations and support staff.

Sharon’s workshops and retreats have transformed the way that I relate to myself, my loved ones and the world around me. I can honestly say that I am a happier and more grounded person because of Sharon’s teachings. I am endlessly grateful. — Lesley
I have never encountered a teacher as competent, relaxed, and graceful as Sharon. Her wisdom comes from her lived experience. Her compassion and empathy feel as light as they are deep, and she's funny! She's had a tremendous impact on me. — Brett
Sharon is the leading voice in the practice of love for ourselves, others, and for the world at large. Sitting with her is transformational. She is warm, funny, and above all sincere. Her teachings touch hearts and ease the pain of our times. — Jason
Attending a program with Sharon is like spending an afternoon with your coolest, most favorite aunt, you know, the one who seems to have every secret key to true happiness and ease in life. — Eowyn

Meet Your Teacher
Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer, world-renowned teacher, NY Times bestselling author of 13 books, and co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA. She is among the first to bring meditation to mainstream American culture 50 years ago, inspiring generations of meditation teachers and wellness influencers. Learn more about Sharon’s life and work right here.