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Cultivate the Good

The Buddha encouraged us to, “abandon that which is unskillful” (that which causes suffering to ourselves and others) and to, “cultivate the good.” He followed this exhortation with the comment, “If it were not possible, I would not ask you to do it.”

Virtually join long-time meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg as she reflects on the tremendous effect these words have had on her personally, and how they have kept her going through the ups and downs of meditation practice.

This program will be held online via Zoom. All registrants will receive the link to join the program in their Order Confirmation email. This program will not be recorded. Times are ET.

Introduced by CIMC guiding teacher Narayan Helen Liebenson, Sharon will explore the experience of that which is unskillful and our ability to no longer get caught in those habits time after time, and our amazing ability to cultivate the good - qualities like lovingkindness, compassion and gratitude.

The afternoon will include direct instruction and guided meditations, talks about the teachings, and opportunities for questions. This program is appropriate for both new and experienced meditators. All are warmly welcome.

As a world-renowned Dharma teacher Sharon Salzberg, through generously offering this CIMC Benefit, is starting the celebration of CIMC's 40th year and honoring its distinctive role as a daily life Dharma center.

All proceeds from the workshop benefit the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center.

February 27

Mindfulness Meditation Series

April 26

Love Is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe