Letters from Love with Elizabeth Gilbert

Sharon joins Elizabeth Gilbert for her LETTERS FROM LOVE substack to celebrate the one year anniversary of the LFL project! LETTERS FROM LOVE is both a learning space and a spiritual practice. There, people come together to discover their inherent value and exquisite preciousness, and to learn how to write and speak to themselves from a place of love and friendliness.

Hosted by Liz Gilbert, with over 150K members, here is how she describes the spiritual practice: In this space, I will teach you how to write yourself letters from unconditional love — how to open your imagination to that universal friendliness, and how to download its messages. I share with you the letters that I have written, and I invite you to share what you have written. Sometimes I ask my friends and interesting strangers I meet in my travels to be special guests on the newsletter — to write and share love letters to themselves. You don’t need to be a writer or a “creative” in order to join in this practice. This is heart work, and it’s for everyone.


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