Ep 105 Diana Winston

Episode Description

For the 105th episode of the Metta Hour Podcast, Sharon speaks with author and teacher, Diana Winston. Diana Winston is the Director of Mindfulness Education at the Semel Institute’s Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. She is the author of “The Little Book of Being” and the co-author of “Fully Present: The Science, Art and Practice of Mindfulness.” She has taught mindfulness for health and well-being since 1999 in a range of settings including in healthcare, universities, businesses, non-profits, and schools in the US and internationally and is the author of several books on the subject. Diana is a member of the Teachers Council at Spirit Rock Meditation Center has been meditating since 1989, including a year as a Buddhist nun. In this episode, Sharon and Diana speak at length about Diana’s new book, “The Little Book of Being” released in the Spring of 2019. They discuss natural awareness and formal meditation practice as well as the nuances of working with a teacher. The podcast closes with Diana leading a 5-minute guided meditation.

Additional Resources

To learn more about Diana’s work, you can visit her website.

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