Ep 178 Dr. Omid Safi

Episode Description

For episode 178 of the Metta Hour, Sharon welcomes her friend and colleague, Omid Safi. Omid is a teacher in the Sufi tradition of Radical Love and the Founder of Illuminated Courses & Tours. He is a professor at Duke University specializing in Islamic spirituality and contemporary thought. The author of several books, his most recent release from 2018 is “Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition.” Omid is also the host of his own podcast, The Sufi Heart Podcast, on the Be Here Now Network.

In this conversation, Sharon and Omid discuss the nature of Radical Love and the many forms that love can take outside of romantic bonds. Omid also shares some of the factors and practices that support greater access to states of Radical Love. They contemplate what Rumi would do in a pandemic and what it looks like to flow to where the greatest needs and suffering are to be found in life. Sharon asks Omid about the cultivation of curiosity and humility in life and their roles in life. Lastly, they speak about accountability and restorative justice in the collective as a form of love in the public sphere. The conversation closes with Omid sharing about the power and sanctity of presence and leading a Sufi meditation practice.

Additional Resources

To learn more about Omid’s work, you can visit his website.

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Ep 179 Margaret Cullen


Ep 177 Bonnie Pitman