Ep 188 Jason Garner

Episode Description

For episode 188 of the Metta Hour podcast, Jason Garner joins Sharon to talk about life, practice, finding meaning and refuge. Jason is a spiritual seeker, author, and previously a Fortune 500 company executive. He spent the first 37 years of his life working his way up from flea market parking attendant to CEO of Global Music at Live Nation, the world’s largest concert promoter. After several significant losses in his life, Jason turned to yoga, meditation, martial arts, and eastern philosophy to learn a different way of being in the world. In 2014 he wrote the book “And then I Breathed,” chronicling his unique journey.

In this episode, Sharon and Jason discuss

• Jason’s path making his way in the world
• What led to Jason becoming a spiritual seeker
• Bringing spiritual practice of the music business
• Finding meaning in life to help navigate challenging times
• Sharon’s experience in isolation during the pandemic
• The inner resource of meditation in COVID
• Jason and Sharon’s shared Tibetan teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche
• Everyone’s inherent “inner okay-ness”
• How self-compassion changed the course of Jason’s practice and life
• The courage to show up as a human
• Re-writing the myth of winning so “everyone gets to win”
• Collaboration versus competition
• Creating Love4Live to offer meditation resources for the music industry in COVID

Additional Resources

To learn more about Jason, you can visit his website and love4live.org

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Ep 189 Simran Jeet Singh


Ep 187 Galit Atlas