Ep 244 Valerie Mason-John

Episode Description

For episode 244 Valerie Mason-John makes their first appearance on the Metta Hour to speak about their new book, First Aid Kit for the Mind: Breaking the Cycle of Habitual Behaviors”. Valerie is a founding facilitator of Compassionate Inquiry and the author of eleven books, including the award winning book, “Eight Step Recovery.” They are a co-founder of the training program, Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery, and work as a public speaker in the field of Mindfulness for Addiction and Trauma.

In this conversation Valerie and Sharon discuss:

• How lovingkindness saved Valerie’s life

• How Valerie became the Bully Doctor

• Valerie’s journey in recovery

• The importance of community in recovery

Recovery Cafe

Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry

• Thoughts are not facts

“First-Aid Kit for the Mind”

• The breath as medicine

• What is still true? What can we rely on?

• Dharma: that which we can rely on

• Thich Naht Hanh’s influence on Valerie

• How to maintain mindfulness

• The role of storytelling in Valerie’s work

• How story compounds addiction

• Play writing and poetry as social justice

Additional Resources

Valerie closes the conversation with a guided meditation LOVE from their new book, First Aid Kit for the Mind.” Learn more about Valarie’s work on their website right here.

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