Ep 248 Cortland Dahl

Episode Description

For episode 248, Cortland Dahl makes his first appearance on the Metta Hour to speak about his new book, “A Meditator’s Guide to Buddhism: The Path of Awareness, Compassion, and Wisdom.” Cortland is a scientist, Buddhist scholar & translator, and meditation teacher. He is the co-founder of Tergar International, a global network of meditation centers, with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Cortland is also actively involved in scientific research on meditation and human flourishing at the Center for Healthy Minds.

In this conversation Sharon and Cortland discuss:

• What brought Cortland to spiritual practice

• Eastern versus Western cultural conditioning

• The Tibetan culture of being

• Reclaiming the word “devotion”

• Cortland learning the Tibetan language

• The impetus for Cortland’s new book

• The Dalai Lama’s first visit to IMS and North America

• The Four Noble Truths

• Cortland’s first encounter with Buddhism

• Learning to take refuge

• How long until we’re enlightenment?

• Nurturing our inspirations

• Recreating ancient traditions in the 21st Century

• Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

• The Center for Healthy Minds

Additional Resources

Cortland closes the conversation with an guided meditation on Open Awareness. You can learn more about Cortland’s work and get a copy of “A Meditator’s Guide to Buddhism” right here. Learn more about Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and Tergar International right here and the Center for Healthy Minds right here.

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