Ep 55 Tim DeChristopher

Episode Description

For her fifth episode of the Real Love Podcast Series, Sharon speaks with environmental activist Tim DeChristopher. In December of 2008, Tim disrupted a Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction by registering as “Bidder 70” and outbidding oil companies for land parcels in National Parks in Utah. For his act of civil disobedience, Tim was sentenced to two years in federal prison, of which he served a total of 21 months. Before his release from prison in 2013, Tim was accepted to Harvard Divinity School where he is studying justice movements. In this candid conversation, Sharon and Tim discuss the role of Real Love in activism, the nuances of working with anger, and the path of love in social change movements. This podcast is the fifth episode of a weekly Real Love Podcast Series.

The Real Love Podcast Series is a special series on the Metta Hour. This series features a variety of conversations with some of the world’s finest thinkers and teachers exploring the topics of Sharon’s new book “Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection“. Real Love is a field guide for anyone seeking awakened living in the 21st century – regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity or status. The book explores love as three different arenas in life: love of oneself, love of an other, and love for all of life. Real Love is now available to order in hardcover, ebook and audiobook format.

Additional Resources

Learn more about Tim’s work right here.

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Ep 56 Mark Epstein


Ep 54 bell hooks