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Election Series Part Two


Love and Equanimity in Action

with Sharon Salzberg

& Rhonda Magee

Join Sharon Salzberg for a three-part series exploring the applications of the Brahma Viharas in Election Season. In the Buddhist framework, the Brahma Viharas (lovingkindness, compassion, equanimity, and sympathetic joy), known as the four immeasurables, are boundless states within each of us. They are powerful tools by which we can navigate and engage in turbulent times such as Election Season with balanced heartfulness and clear agency to make positive changes in the world. With 50 years of experience in Buddhist teachings, Sharon offers an approach to engaged civic duty that is much needed in our time.


Equanimity & Embodied Wisdom

In this second session, we will explore the spacious balance born of wisdom: equanimity. Sharon will be joined by co-teacher Rhonda Magee for this session. Equanimity imbues our kindness with insight and perspective, and our actions with discernment and non-attachment. As a quality, equanimity offers us internal space to be with things as they really are. Deepening equanimity supports us to:

• Cultivate inner space around difficult feelings 
• Connect to a long-term vision and understanding
• Recognizing our limits compassionately
• Get comfortable setting boundaries
Session includes teaching, guided equanimity meditation, and question & response period. All are welcome. 

Registration Details

• Registration is handled separately for each session in series. To attend all three sessions in series, you must register separately for each session.

• Individual sessions are open attend as a one-off classes, or you can attend the entire series.

• A portion of the proceeds will be donated to non partisan organizations that support voter participation.

• A recording of each session will be sent out to all participants afterward for those who cannot attend class live on zoom. Participants will have lifetime access to recording.

this event is sponsored by the


a network of mindfulness & spirituality podcasts

October 6

Shala Election Series Part Three

October 23

Election Series Part Three