Ep 72 Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Episode Description

For episode 72 of the Metta Hour Podcast, Sharon speaks with one of her longtime teachers, Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Recorded live in Louisville, KY at the 2018 Festival of Faiths, this conversation touches on the theme of the 23rd annual festival ‘Sacred Insight-Feminine Wisdom’ as well as the topic of basic goodness and compassion. For over 25 years, Tsoknyi Rinpoche has been teaching students worldwide about the innermost nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Rinpoche is one of those rare teachers whose lighthearted, yet illuminating style appeals to both beginners and advanced practitioners alike. His fresh insights into the western psyche have enabled him to teach and write in a way that touches our most profound awareness, using metaphors, stories and images that point directly to our everyday experience. Rinpoche ’s activity greatly contributes to the preservation of the Buddha Dharma in the East, while nurturing its growth in the West. His personal warmth and compassionate attention greatly enrich and enliven the depth of our learning experience. Learn more at tsoknyirinpoche.org.

Additional Resources

Learn more at tsoknyirinpoche.org

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